Making your business stand out from the rest in social media like Facebook, Instagram, etc. is of the utmost importance for your brand to become a household name. Here is where you can really hit home with your clients and really become a part of their family. These platforms are where most of the world spends their time on a day-to-day consistent basis. Thus making it a must for any new or existing business to make its presence known.
It also makes it very profitable for any advertiser investing in ad platforms. Now you must take into account that not every business does well in social media marketing it is not made for every industry. Now every business can have its Business Page, but when it comes to ads it is a totally different type of platform than Google Ads. Keep in mind users come to these platforms to distract themselves from their work, school, relationships, etc. You have to be mindful of these facts before deciding to invest any money in social media advertising.
We can help you understand if these platforms are a right fit for your business or you should try another venue. Given the fact you tell let´s say Facebook what you eat what you wear, likes and dislikes. It gives this platform a huge amount of information on its users daily. Data that is available for advertisers to pick and choose who sees their ads and who does not. This makes Facebook and platforms like it very profitable since you can reach people who actively demonstrate an interest in your industry beforehand. Think of choosing specific categories like homeowners that are married making a certain amount of income with certain job titles with interests in specific hobbies or purchase history, the targeting can get very granular.
Cost Effective Advertising Rates
Precise Targeting
High Engagement & Enhanced Analytics
Biggest Platform w/ Active Monthly Users